Wasps are the bane of any outdoor activity, especially parties, barbecues, and other events that involve food. They will nest under eaves and patios, in the attic and crawl spaces, and other places that allow them to keep cool and dry, but still have easy access to food and water.A wasp attack can be minor if there are only one or two stings, but thirty or forty stings can kill a person.
If a wasp swarms you or threatens you, cover your head and run. A wasp will call the rest of the nest to come help defend the nest if it feels the nest is threatened.
Types of Wasps
Wasps can be the paper nest-making (vespid) variety, or they can be a beneficial garden variety. The paper nest variety is the kind that can be dangerous to people because they can sting multiple times. Other variations are garden-type wasps, which help keep unhelpful types of bugs at bay in the garden. Yellow jacket wasps are also territorial and will attack if they feel their nest is threatened.
What are the
signs of a Wasp Infestation?
Seeing a swarm of several wasps is a sure sign there is a nearby nest. The location of the nest is the most critical factor in determining whther the wasp nest is a problem or not, as wasps will fiercely defend their nest if they feel it is being threatened. Unfortunately, a wasp nest beneath the eaves of a home, in the attic, crawl space, or other area may make them a threat to the family members.
Need to get rid of wasps?
Wasp control is always handled by eliminating the nest. Night time is ideal since the wasps have mostly returned to the nest for the night. If you lack the confidence to treat or manage a wasp’s nest, call Russell Pest Control for help!